cartoon cartoon n. 漫画; 漫画映画. 【動詞+】 draw a cartoon 漫画を描く publish a cartoon 漫画を出版する watch a cartoon on TV テレビで漫画映画を見る. 【形容詞 名詞+】 an animated cartoon 漫画映画, 動画 a feature-length
one of my favorite cartoon characters is snoopy . 漫画のキャラクター、スヌーピーが好きです
oh , brown cartoon characters you can't tell the difference . 違いなんて判らないでしょ 済みません
make such great cartoon characters 色々で 漫画のキャラクターに−
kamikiri covers various subjects from classical ones , such as a good luck charms or scenes of a play , to animals or cartoon characters . 縁起物や芝居の一場面など古典的なものから、動物やアニメのキャラクターまで題材は多岐に渡る。
in 2008 , triggered by the privatization of the postal system , new items such as carbon-offset new year ' s postcards and new year ' s postcards with cartoon characters were released . 2008年には郵政民営化を機にカーボンオフセット年賀はがきやキャラクター年賀はがきなどの新商品が出た。
a personal boat has a sail with a family crest or a drawing that indicates the idiosyncrasies of the deceased (e .g ., a shogi piece (japanese chess ) for a shogi lover; or cartoon characters for a toddler ). 個人船の場合は家紋や故人の人柄を示すもの(例:将棋が好きだった人は将棋の駒、幼児の場合は好きだったアニメキャラなど)が描かれる。
some examples are " tokoro-san no 20-seiki kaitai shinsho " (a tv show titled " 20th century stories " presided over by george tokoro , reviewing japanese popular cartoon characters of 20th century like " invader ," " ultra-man " and so on ), " monozukuri kaitai shinsho " (an explanatory book on how various ordinary items are fabricated ), " sex shinwa kaitai shinsho " (a commentary on sex mythologies ), " devilman kaitai shinsho " (an instruction manual to unriddle mysteries of a cartoon series devilman ), and so on . 例:『所さんの20世紀解体新書』『モノづくり解体新書』『セックス神話解体新書』『デビルマン解体新書』など。